Zitat von Wimbledon 2007 im Beitrag #704Smelle 3fachen reinrassigen Schweizer-Triumpf (Stan, Timea, Martina)
Diese Kulleraugen
Julietta von Görges for Weltpräsidentin! ------ Sascha Zverev: "I was born with a tennis racket in my hands." ------ Novak Dopingvic: "Kosovo is Kosovo." "I replace missing talent with doping." "I'll neither get Olympic gold nor 18 GS-Titels." "I don't pay taxes, cause I don't like Serbia."
Beinkova ist eine echte Glückssau. Gewinnt immer die engen Punkte...
Julietta von Görges for Weltpräsidentin! ------ Sascha Zverev: "I was born with a tennis racket in my hands." ------ Novak Dopingvic: "Kosovo is Kosovo." "I replace missing talent with doping." "I'll neither get Olympic gold nor 18 GS-Titels." "I don't pay taxes, cause I don't like Serbia."
Allez Timea! Hopp Schwiiz! Alles Gute zum Burtseltag!
Julietta von Görges for Weltpräsidentin! ------ Sascha Zverev: "I was born with a tennis racket in my hands." ------ Novak Dopingvic: "Kosovo is Kosovo." "I replace missing talent with doping." "I'll neither get Olympic gold nor 18 GS-Titels." "I don't pay taxes, cause I don't like Serbia."
Julietta von Görges for Weltpräsidentin! ------ Sascha Zverev: "I was born with a tennis racket in my hands." ------ Novak Dopingvic: "Kosovo is Kosovo." "I replace missing talent with doping." "I'll neither get Olympic gold nor 18 GS-Titels." "I don't pay taxes, cause I don't like Serbia."
Timea ist wieder drann! Ziemlich knappes Ding...vamos Sympathea!
Julietta von Görges for Weltpräsidentin! ------ Sascha Zverev: "I was born with a tennis racket in my hands." ------ Novak Dopingvic: "Kosovo is Kosovo." "I replace missing talent with doping." "I'll neither get Olympic gold nor 18 GS-Titels." "I don't pay taxes, cause I don't like Serbia."
Julietta von Görges for Weltpräsidentin! ------ Sascha Zverev: "I was born with a tennis racket in my hands." ------ Novak Dopingvic: "Kosovo is Kosovo." "I replace missing talent with doping." "I'll neither get Olympic gold nor 18 GS-Titels." "I don't pay taxes, cause I don't like Serbia."
ma longshanks hat sich teuer verkauft, aber ultimativ war die niederlage gegen die neue #1 und slam siegerin in spe natürlich unausweichlich. immerhin: baczsinsknie wurde ordentlich zerdengelt, der winner-count von talentapenko gegen die das "schweizer vollblut" war unterm strich ca. over 9000... ^^
Zitat“I feel lucky and unlucky at the same time to be playing in the same era as Novak”