Zitat von Only Roger can do im Beitrag #743Die Schweizer hatten auf jeden Fall kein Glück, das kann man schon mal festhalten. Nole hat ein ordentliches Anfangsmatch, aber anschließend eher Ruhe, Murrays Viertel ist ein Geschenk.
Naja, gg Zverev ist auch nicht shclecht, oder?
PS der typ hat echt grad als überraschung Jack Sock gesagt?^^^^^^^^^^
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray
Zitat von Djovak Nokovic im Beitrag #746Murray hat echt die witzauslosung schlechthin ^^
Wenn Sam Groth trifft...Dann könnte er ihn raushauen
Wenn wer kaum Probleme mit dne Bots hat, dann ist das Murray ^^
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray
Tsonga und Simon bei Nole..... die obere hälfte ist schon schwieriger!
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray
Zitat von Stepphanek im Beitrag #762Bewertung Draw für Roger: 3/10
jammer nicht herum, so schlimm ist es jetz auch nicht ^^
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray
1 rd gegen den Georgier, kein Problem. 2 rd das Poloch maaaan das könnte schon bisschen happig werden, aber Fed in 3 3 rd bleibt Grigor seiner Linie treu, wird das ein glatter Sieg für Roger, andernfalls in 4 4 rd Goffin/Thiem egal wer Überfahrung, Fedexpress in 90 min VF Berdych oder Gyros egal wer kommt, keine Chance! Fed bestimmt den Ausgang ob in 3 oder 4 HF Djokovic ohne Kommentar ^^ Final Jack Sock
Na gut, Dolgo und Dimi sind ja beide vom Spieltyp her leichte Gegner für Federer. Achtelfinale Goffin ist ebenfalls einfach. Und Kyrgios wird gegen Berdych abstinken. Die anderen hat es leichter erwischt, dennoch auch kein Alptraum-Draw...
Zitat von FedererTheOne im Beitrag #771Na gut, Dolgo und Dimi sind ja beide vom Spieltyp her leichte Gegner für Federer. Achtelfinale Goffin ist ebenfalls einfach. Und Kyrgios wird gegen Berdych abstinken. Die anderen hat es leichter erwischt, dennoch auch kein Alptraum-Draw...
Stan's Viertel ist nicht unbedingt leichter. Die anderen beiden Viertel wären mir aber schon lieber gewesen.
War aber klar, ich wünsche mir alles außer Dimitrov & Kyrgios...Was passiert...