Was soll eigentlich immer dieses "Bamos"? Soll das so ne Art Witzversuch sein?
Rasengott Federer wird die richtigen Lehren aus dem Turnier ziehen und sicher bald liefern. Das einzige, was auf Nadals verfaultem Handgelenk liefert, sind die Maden.
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray
Federer ist einfach ein Versager, lass es Opa, spiel mit deinen Kindern, einen halbtoten Kadaver will keiner auf der Tour sehen.
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray
hoffentlich verpisst sich dann bald der Abschaum aus dem Forum, wär ein weiterer guter Schritt in Richtung Gerechtigkeit!^^
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray
Zitat von Djovak Nokovic im Beitrag #419hoffentlich verpisst sich dann bald der Abschaum aus dem Forum, wär ein weiterer guter Schritt in Richtung Gerechtigkeit!^^
Dann musst du dich ja direkt verpissen, du Volltrottel.
Zitat von Djovak Nokovic im Beitrag #419hoffentlich verpisst sich dann bald der Abschaum aus dem Forum, wär ein weiterer guter Schritt in Richtung Gerechtigkeit!^^
Dann musst du dich ja direkt verpissen, du Volltrottel.
Fühlst du dich angesprochen?
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray
Zitat von Djovak Nokovic im Beitrag #419hoffentlich verpisst sich dann bald der Abschaum aus dem Forum, wär ein weiterer guter Schritt in Richtung Gerechtigkeit!^^
Dann musst du dich ja direkt verpissen, du Volltrottel.
Fühlst du dich angesprochen?
Nein aber was du hier verzapfst ist schon Abschaumwürdig.
Zitat von Djovak Nokovic im Beitrag #419hoffentlich verpisst sich dann bald der Abschaum aus dem Forum, wär ein weiterer guter Schritt in Richtung Gerechtigkeit!^^
Dann musst du dich ja direkt verpissen, du Volltrottel.
Fühlst du dich angesprochen?
Nein aber was du hier verzapfst ist schon Abschaumwürdig.
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray