"He is by far the most respected, most successful, most loved and best tennis player of all time. I am so thankful to be in his era, so that i can beat him as often as possible and laughing at the annoying crowd supporting him as brainless Milka-cows who are following him directly into my bloody slaughterhouse."
Zitat von hasen.furz im Beitrag #590also sowas schlechtes. kein murray fan kann diese vorstellung mit nem hinweis auf federer rechtfertigen. das ist einfach so unterirdisch. genauso wie letztes jahr im finale.
Dass Federer mittlerweile 34 ist, blenden einige Leute einfach konsequent aus
Trotzdem ist er noch der zweitbeste Spieler der Welt, nur Nole ist eben besser.
Die Rangliste sagt aber was anderes!
Man Djovak, murray spielt viel mehr Turniere als Federer. Du verstehen was dies bedeutet?
hast du gesehen wie viel Turniere das waren? Ich habs hier schon mal reingepostet:
Federer: 17 Murray 18 (19 mit dem DC)
Lasst die lächerlichen Ausreden, Murray ist im Moment einfach konstanter und besser! Letze Saison spielten die 2 mal gegeneinander bei federers 2 lieblingsturnieren! ich will mal ein Duell, VOR WIM und NACH den USO sehn...^^
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray
Zitat von Maestro im Beitrag #628"Würdiges Finale". Made me laugh.
Stach muss das Finale aufwerten, um seinen Lieling huldigen zu können.
"He is by far the most respected, most successful, most loved and best tennis player of all time. I am so thankful to be in his era, so that i can beat him as often as possible and laughing at the annoying crowd supporting him as brainless Milka-cows who are following him directly into my bloody slaughterhouse."
Hoffentlich gewinnt Murray den Satz jetzt, aber die hater werden ohnehin weiter grundlos maulen!
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic
" Novak is way too good, he destroys me everytime on the court, even if i try my best, he is just better than me, he is my King, my Hero, i wish i could be like him " - Roger Pederer
" He is like Che Guevara and Pablo Escobar, he doesn't give a fuck and destroys everyone, including me, no? In the end of the day, he is the biggest motherfucker in the circus of our Sport, i know that because he raped me in Doha, no? Well, i tried my best" - Versagael Glatzdal
" I hate him, he is such an ugly ass faggot, i wish he would be alone one day in scotland, he would be gone as fast as I eat my Haggis..... in fact I need a drink, i want to be like him *cry* - Andrew Cryray
Zitat von Djovak Nokovic im Beitrag #635 Lasst die lächerlichen Ausreden, Murray ist im Moment einfach konstanter und besser! Letze Saison spielten die 2 mal gegeneinander bei federers 2 lieblingsturnieren! ich will mal ein Duell, VOR WIM und NACH den USO sehn...^^
Die Murray Jodelei ist wohl in deinen Genen. Letztes Jahr hieß es noch du jodelst nie wieder für ihn, aber anscheinend ist es egal wie oft er gegen Roger auf die Fresse fliegt
"It's not luck when it keeps on happening." (Wimbledon Finale 2012)
"I never wanted to be the great guy or the colorful guy or the interesting guy. I wanted to be the guy who won titles." (Pete Sampras)
"I can cry like Roger, it's just a shame I can't play like him." (Andy Murray)
"There's no way around the hard work. Embrace it." (Roger Federer)