Federer nach dem Match: "I lost because my finger hurt, Wawrinka was ok, but i was hurt, the wind was to strong, the sun was to bright and yes, because I'm half witch half vampire and ugly as fuck i can also play at night, so yes, my loss had a "Faden Beigeschmack""
The Destroyer, The Killer, The biggest Motherfucker in the "Tenniszirkus" - No1e Novak Djokovic AO2015 MC2015 IW2015 ROM2015 MIA2015
Zitat von Djovak Nokovic im Beitrag #608Federer nach dem Match: "I lost because my finger hurt, Wawrinka was ok, but i was hurt, the wind was to strong, the sun was to bright and yes, because I'm half witch half vampire and ugly as fuck i can also play at night, so yes, my loss had a "Faden Beigeschmack""
Zitat von Djovak Nokovic im Beitrag #608Federer nach dem Match: "I lost because my finger hurt, Wawrinka was ok, but i was hurt, the wind was to strong, the sun was to bright and yes, because I'm half witch half vampire and ugly as fuck i can also play at night, so yes, my loss had a "Faden Beigeschmack""
Zitat von Djovak Nokovic im Beitrag #608Federer nach dem Match: "I lost because my finger hurt, Wawrinka was ok, but i was hurt, the wind was to strong, the sun was to bright and yes, because I'm half witch half vampire and ugly as fuck i can also play at night, so yes, my loss had a "Faden Beigeschmack""